Don't be mislead by the title, the thing is, I have a hard time coming up with good titles so...
Anyway, this is another week end post.
Fortunately, I came but not to work today, nor yesterday.
After seeing me coming to work the whole week end last week, they wondered if I had too much work. Since priorities were not clearly defined, after a small meeting, I'm less stressed while still having the same amount of work. It's really important to define the priorities :)
I quite don't know where to start, so I'll just enumerate briefly what happened this week.
Every morning, I have a meeting regarding the project I'm working on. It's still a secret so I can't tell much but this kind of meeting is really important, the kind of meeting, though simple, can save you a lot of time. We usually talk about what we did yesterday and our plans for today. I expect the meetings to grow longer as the project goes on.
I used to go to the combini everyday for lunch and dinner, until co-workers told me that "if you eat combini every day, you will die". Well, I sure didn't expect that but you get the idea. This is why I now eat at Hokka Hokka Tei for lunch. It's more or less the same price, has much more choice and is also very good. I usually order (not all at the same time :)) a カツカレー(katsu curry, curry with pork cutlet and rice), a チャーハン(chahan, Chinese-style fried rice), a かつ重 (katsuju, similar as the so popular katsudon) or, just recently, after a co-worker recommended it as "original Japanese mother taste" (in short, all Japanese mothers know how to cook this), a しょうが焼弁当(shouga yaki bentou). I'm expecting much more good discoveries next week, as someone told me we would go to cheap places where they serve food good for your health. I'll try to take pictures next time :)
I also received a new monitor. I really didn't see that one coming, here is what happens.
I am working, headset on.
Someone comes up, with a huge 24 inches 16/9 LCD flat monitor on his hands.
He says "Here, it's for you".
That's it. I still don't know why I was the one who got it, he just said "I got a new one so I'm giving this".
Anyway, now I have too much free space on my desktop, with a screen res of 1920*1200. I can have a split vertical window in Visual studio, while displaying all the width content of my files.
Yesterday, when I came at work but not to work, I tested my new monitor, along with the new comp I received the week before (some huge monster, like Athlon 64 X2 and a Geforce 7900GT) by playing Prey again. I can only say that it's F*CKING beautiful with a constant high framerate. Honestly, I never thought I would get to play on this kind of machine one day.
One hour later, I was browsing the web, looking at some industry news when someone popped up behind me, saying "おつかれさまです" (see my last post few pages down to see what it means, or actually doesn't mean...). I removed my headset, turned around to see....the president, my boss, THE BIG BOSS of the company, along with his daughter. We shared few words (mainly regarding the monitor, honestly I wonder if it is right for me to have it, like there are other designers at the company who may need it or, I don't remember having seen such a monitor, even on HIS desk) and he then went on to speak with other people currently present AND working.
He sure frightened me. I came to work, not to work, in the middle of people who work and NEARLY got caught in the middle of a game. I don't think there's any risk, since I first asked my chief before coming but still, in front of the president among others who are here on important matters, it's definitely not the best situation to be in.
Anyway, I think I talked too much so here is the return of the pictures !
The back of a chocolate box. Why the hell is there a naked baby angel you ask ? I have no clue...

The kind of show you can see on TV. Yes, this is Arale....or not :|

A picture taken at the north exit of Kameari, the nearest JR train station near where I live.
This statue has been erected after the famous anime serie こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所(Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen Mae Hashutsujo). Here is a Wikipedia link.

A Silent Hill horror house I found near Shinjuku. Was it Kabuki-chou ? I don't quite remember.
Anyway, it just opened. If I get the opportunity to try it, I'll tell you.

That's it for today. That's quite a lot though :)
See you next time.
Le president!
Bon anniversaire beetz & hoofz, 31 ans ffs!!!
omg お誕生日おめでとうございます!
btw je peux pas passer sur irc a cause d'un firewall :/
(de toute facon, je pense pas qu'il y ait masse d'activite non plus)
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