It includes the most commonly used features in a company, such as news, calendar to keep track of your meetings/appointments, room booking (if you need a particular room for a meeting for example), a wiki (for various uses, both technical and management), the list of people present etc.
We also have a page where we have to write our tasks for the day, things to do and done. It helps other people know what you're doing and also helps you keep track of your tasks over the days/weeks.
This page lists each person with an avatar of their choice.
It's kinda funny what people come up with (artists sometimes make their own avatar, I use gaijin pictures, those likely no one will ever have a clue about here yet so famous back in Europe).
Here are a few picks:
Mine (until next change)
The one from a co-worker (animator and hardware admin)
A slimey stuff from the chief animator, I think she did it herself
An artist wishing us Happy New Year
A freaky one (the one above is freaky too, I know...)
A picture from a programmer playing eroge (Japanese erotic games)
A lead programmer who loves cats
Look at that for a few mins...
Typical Japanese style
There are also many screenshots and pictures of what planners/game designers/artists do with the current projects, like the main characters wearing strange outfits and saying weird things, sometimes in strange positions (yea, you read that well, tolerance is rather flexible).
I won't post those of course, in case someone actually reads this blog and start spreading rumours in gaming forums.
Well, at least you have an idea what it's like around here :)
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