Friday, October 06, 2006

Dead I am not

Heeeyyy guess who's still around.
Yeah I know I haven't been posting lately. A lot happened and work is still taking too much of my time. Anyway, I'll try to catch up later and post as I remember what happened recently.
I'll save the TGS report for later. It was fun with hot girls and everything, as you would have expected.

Today, I'll talk about a business here in Japan where you can get girls, money, alcohol, tabacco, not subject to taxes and everything in the most perfect legal way. In fact, people will even thank you for what you do.
I know many of you are interested to just read on.
The job I'm talking about is being a.....MONK !!!
HAHAHA look at your face, I got you there heh ? Just kidding....
Actually, I'm not.
I had a talk yesterday with a co-worker who taught me everything about monks in Japan.
He told me that there is a type of monk who will pray for people and stuff, like mostly all monks do.
In what they differ is all what I mentioned above.
They are paid very well (I heard something like 10.000 yens, the cheapest of course) for praying and doing their stuff.
They are not subject to taxes, have a lot of clients, meaning they have a lot of money.
Being that type of monk, you can even get girls (many at once, money you know...) drink alcohol, smoke and possibly other things the money would permit.
"How is that even possible ?" is what you wonder. I don't have a clear explanation myself. Something about religion, not real faith and stuff like that.
Anyway, you can now become a monk in Japan !
In fact it's not that easy. It seems it is only hereditary, "passed from father to son" to quote my colleague.
Too bad heh ? It was too good to be true/easy. Anyway I'm sure some of you will find a way to work around this :D


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anyway, you can now become a monk in Japan !
"Not", not "now"
Seb, correcteur de fautes officiel
Rosk U.

JJ/JL/Gawain said...

Non y'a aucune faute, sac.
Si tu relis la phrase tu comprendras qu'elle a tout son sens, surtout avec les phrases qui suivent.
T'as encore du chemin a faire mon petit Seb.

nain : stfu