Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Politically incorrect

Hey folks.

I just learnt from a friend currently in China that my blog is inaccessible from there.
I wonder, is there any content in my posts that could be forbidden in China ?
Like, I talk about random topics taken here and there, video games, code, Japanese food, post some pictures and that's it.

Anyway, maybe if I start posting about communism and stuff, they would allow this page to be displayed ? :P


Anonymous said...

I rather think that if you consider blogs as a possible medium for individual expression, ergo, a communication apparatus that enables any entity around the globe to read your personal opinions even on subjects remotely related to China, hence giving the people Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Thought,


The best interest of China is to forbid access to those "blogs" to deny freedom to the Chinese People.

All these pompous sentences to tell one thing:
(with my best (or worst) Chinese accent impression:)

"Blogs ah bery bery bery bad tings!! It is be fahbidden to da pubric! "

And I'm sorry, but you're homeland sucks big time. Not the whole country, I know the people on the countryside are having it the hard way. But the government should be taken down by the people. Communism is the worst creation of Man since Woman.

That were just my angry $0.02.

Keep up the good work on your blog, dude. And keep rocking. I'll be searching for your REAL name in game credits. Sorry if I double posted, erase the first commentary.

JJ/JL/Gawain said...

Hahahaha just what I'd expect from Sir Charles. Indeed you haven't changed one bit :D
No need to be sorry however, I also agree that China definitely has to change its political course. Wonder if that will ever happen though...
Anyway, expect my name to be written in katakana or even better, in plain romanji :D