Sunday, August 27, 2006

Toilet paper

I ran out of toilet paper, lucky that I noticed it before something "urgent" came up if you know what I mean.
So I went to the drug store near here and to my surprise, they didn't have toilet paper. What the hell ? No toilet paper in a drug store ? I'm not kidding, I searched through all the store, nothing to be found. Then I resigned to ask a salesperson when he lead me outside, where the toilet papers are stored. THEY HAVE TOILET PAPER STORED OUTSIDE !! And tons of it. The funny part is that you have to get one pack and go back in to pay. If it is an emergency and you don't have 200 yens to spend for it, you could also run away, I bet no one would notice.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it get wet?

JJ/JL/Gawain said...

Judicious question.
They fortunately store them below a blind, preventing them from getting wet.
However, in case of a shower, I wonder if it would be really helpful...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


JJ/JL/Gawain said...

stfu nain